The BEST Paint and Sip party around!

Wine & Untangle is turning 10 in 2022 and has returned as an online art class, a Paint'n'Sip if you like, that you can do from the comfort of your own home. And with the world now entering its 3rd year with this global pandemic, it is the perfect time to join in via a zoom call and leave this world behind for a couple of hours and immerse yourself into the dreamy world of watercolour and doodling, over your choice of beverage or two!

What is Wine & Untangle?

Wine & Untangle came about because of my local kid’s art classes I used to hold on a Saturday morning. A mum came to collect her daughter on a day that we were doing an artwork of a dolphin by using watercolour followed by doodling. This mum sat down, banged her hands on the table and said, “I’m not leaving until you turn this (pointing to her daughter’s artwork) into an adults’ class, and I want wine with it”! And that is how Wine & Untangle became a thing. It would have been one of the very first paint & sip parties in Australia at the time and what followed was 5 full years of fantastic paint’n’sip parties.

And now, as the local art room has closed and the online doors opened, Wine & Untangle is back, exactly like it was before and is now an online art party for both public and private classes. Every month there will be a new theme, which you can see in advance so you can plan your days and absolute 100% guidance if given to everyone, live over a zoom call. We will usually start with tracing the months template, laying down the watercolour and then heading on to the doodling when painting is dry. These classes are typically going to be 1.5 – 2 hours long on a live zoom call. As the months progress more dates per month will increase and I will do some week-day morning classes for all Mrs Red’s friends on the other side of the world.

What art supplies do I need to join a
Wine & Untangle paint’n’sip party?

Ideally if you live in Australia, I recommend buying the Wine & Untangle Art Cart as this has everything you need to do at least 12 months of painting and doodling. You will run out of paper first, but the paints and brushes will last you a lifetime. Currently you can purchase a single user Art Cart or a double. If you want to gather your own supplies, please do not go cheap on watercolour paints and brushes. You pay for what you get when it comes to these art supplies. Again, another reason to just grab the Mrs Red’s W&U Art Cart. All supplies have been used by Mrs Red for the past 10 years and have been carefully chosen with budget in mind. 

January 2022 - Kombi On The Beach!

As this is the first month for the online art parties, I have pushed the dates towards the end of January so you can order your Wine & Untangle Art Cart. All public events will be announced on the Mrs Red’s website, three months in advance. However, if you would like to hold your own private paint and sip party online this can also be organized. All participants will need to buy the W&U Art Cart but as mentioned before, you are buying a box of art supplies you can use time and time again and trust me, you will use them again because this type of relaxing art is absolutely addictive. Get in contact with Mrs Red to organize your own private online paint’n’sip party by emailing

All that is now left to do is book yourself into January or better still, book yourself into either 6 or 12 months of online art classes and save up to 50%. Grab the W&U Art Cart at the same time and get ready to relax, release healthy chemicals in the brain and overall, improve your mental health. And you never know, you just might end up with artworks on the walls of your own home and the walls of other friends and family.